This section of the website is directed towards Flying Acres property owners. Each owner should be familiar with the walking path as shown on the Walking Path page. See governance documents here: Articles of Incorporation and Bylaws. The Governance page has more information. Please acquaint yourself with other Homeowner pages for more relevant information. The rest of this page is about the FAHA Board and meeting minutes.
The Flying Acres Homeowners Association Board of Directors is established by the Corporate Bylaws. It is composed of 9 members with designated officers of the corporation being the President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer.
Five board members are elected on odd years and four on even years. Nominations for election to the Board of Directors is made be a nominating committee and voted on at the annual meeting. General Powers of the Board and each officer are enumerated in the Corporate Bylaws. Board meetings are scheduled as needed and are open to all community members.